Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fun night last night

So i havnt been blogging lately but if u want me to blog about the times that happened since i last blog i'll try. so first off we went to a place that i forgot then we talked about things i forgot. lol i dont remember the stuff that i did before so too bad =P
well i'll juss talk about yesterday. haha so jericho came over around 2ish. Late as hell! well after taht we juss talked about some krap then we started walkin down to liezels house and wen we got to the gate we saw lounard so he juss brought us there. then we hung out at liezels house for about 20 mins. after liezels house we went to brea finally and wasted another 10 mins trying to find a bank but then realized that it closed at 2 wen it was 3. hahahahaha we were dumb. after that we finally weent shopping. hard as hell. lol but i finally picked a shirt. i hope joanne likes it but i'll juss find that out tommorow. (sorry if u dont like it joanne but thats the only shirt that i cuda found and i dint kno wut else to pick. oh and sorry if its medium, liezel said to get it so its easier for u to juss cut it up and make it look nicer so ya.) well after i found a shirt to wear to sadies! so excited x) we went to food court and ate some ghengis khan! WOOH! after the mall we rushed to carissas house and dropped her off. isiah had a fun ride home ;) then after we dropped her off isiah kept on harrasing me. iono wut thats about hahahaha. after we finally dropped him off we were on our way home, but then we had to go to lounards bakery. hahaha first time hanging out there. it was fun. i learned how to do those speed cups thing. hahaha its pretty hard. wen we finally got to hawkes pointe after the long ride home haha we decided to go to top of the hill had some fun conversations, u prolly heard it from other blogs and yatta yatta. hahaha interesting convos. i finally got home around 11ish and jericho stayed over for like 30 mins. haha then i stayed on da comp and went to bed watching blue streak. hahaha fun day yesterday!

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