Friday, June 19, 2009


I FORGOT TO BLOG LAST MONTH! hahaha well here goes i guess. this will cover up wut i didnt blog last month. well this month had its ups and downs. i guess all i gotta say about last month is that i forgot what i did last month XD hahaha so ya. guess your not gonna hear anything about last month. but how bout this month? hmmmm haha lots of fun so far. birthday is next week for whoever is reading this (probably isiah cuz thats all i read from him) hahahaha jkjk. but yah for those of you who don't know. my internet is down so thats probably why i didnt blog last month but yah. well if you must know, the highlight of this month is that i TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY FUCKED UP MY GRADES from the finals... hahaha failed practically all of them.... im such a failure hahaha but oh well to late for that. well after school finally ended all there has to be is grad parties! haha WOOH those were fun. EXCITED for more maybe?? hahaha but yah. love life right now, cept for the fact that i had no girlfriend yet, i fucked up my grades, and i might be moving. hahahaha but whatever, i'll try fixing that first problem soon. maybe?? i dunno. hahaha but yah. i guess i'll juust end it here cuz im totally blanking out on what i did the past two months. later bloggers (or just isiah?)(and i guess jeff f too haha) LOL just kidding!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


haha i havnt posted a blog in a long time. juust felt like doin it again cuz i hav nothin betta to do and im waiting for my molca salsa to come :) well i'm try keeping it short so i'll just say that the past month(i think thatt's how long its been) has been pretty fun. some lows some highs. haha well ya things changed. a lotta things changed but the change isnt all bad but wuteva its all good. theres a reason for everything right? well ya. thats how i see it. but ya don't want to keep typing anymore cuz i might make it long so, so long and see u in another month? haha well bye!

Friday, March 27, 2009

adventerous day

well today was fun. i havnt posted a blog up since forever so ima juss do one of today since it was the best one this week. hahaha im so lazy... well today we had practice and we decided to go to the beach.. wutta day.. hahahaha well it took us from 5 to 7 tryin to get rdy to go to the beach so that was pretty lame. but we finaly got on the road. we took so many detours it took us an hour 30 to start goin on our way. well after we went got to the beach, and the sun was frckin down alrdy... ahahha but we got a free ticket so it payed off. well we finally got to the water wen we felt it and it felt like ice water... lounard kept tellin me that its warmer at night.... my ass!!! that shit was cold as fuck! but no regrets like lounard always says i guess.. hahahahahaha well me and hieu basically freezed our balls off that time.. lounard matt and jericho were too pussy to ride one wave. ahahaha well i cant really blame them. it was freezing. oh and i got to pee in a public beach for the first time... hahaha dont kno why im postin that up but hoo cares!.. well after about 10 mins we got too cold from the water so we washed ourselves and left... hahaha jericho and matt and them had to pay ten bucks for ten minutes... hahahahaha funny stuff. well after we drove around to find a place to eat and we came up with islands after a while. hahah well wen we got there lounard tried changing in public so megan decided to beam the headlights at him and honk the horn so everyone can look at him.. funny ass stuff!! LOL IT WAS HILARIOUS!! but u had to be there. hahaha well we ate at islands and had our little conversations. after we ate everyone jumped into lounards car and matt went in his and hieu cudnt get into any car because he was supposed to get into matts but matt wudnt let him.. LOL. hieu had to chase for matts car to finally get inside but we trapped mattt so he can get in. hahahaha after taht we went to jerichos house and parked out in front of his house and juss chilled there for about an hour or so and then we dropped everyone off and now im here. not sleeping cuz of this blog... hahaha wuteva!

goodnight person who is reading this. hahaha (im guessng that the only reason ur reading this is cuz u hav nothin better to do)
hahahaha no regrets! goodjob lounard

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fun night last night

So i havnt been blogging lately but if u want me to blog about the times that happened since i last blog i'll try. so first off we went to a place that i forgot then we talked about things i forgot. lol i dont remember the stuff that i did before so too bad =P
well i'll juss talk about yesterday. haha so jericho came over around 2ish. Late as hell! well after taht we juss talked about some krap then we started walkin down to liezels house and wen we got to the gate we saw lounard so he juss brought us there. then we hung out at liezels house for about 20 mins. after liezels house we went to brea finally and wasted another 10 mins trying to find a bank but then realized that it closed at 2 wen it was 3. hahahahaha we were dumb. after that we finally weent shopping. hard as hell. lol but i finally picked a shirt. i hope joanne likes it but i'll juss find that out tommorow. (sorry if u dont like it joanne but thats the only shirt that i cuda found and i dint kno wut else to pick. oh and sorry if its medium, liezel said to get it so its easier for u to juss cut it up and make it look nicer so ya.) well after i found a shirt to wear to sadies! so excited x) we went to food court and ate some ghengis khan! WOOH! after the mall we rushed to carissas house and dropped her off. isiah had a fun ride home ;) then after we dropped her off isiah kept on harrasing me. iono wut thats about hahahaha. after we finally dropped him off we were on our way home, but then we had to go to lounards bakery. hahaha first time hanging out there. it was fun. i learned how to do those speed cups thing. hahaha its pretty hard. wen we finally got to hawkes pointe after the long ride home haha we decided to go to top of the hill had some fun conversations, u prolly heard it from other blogs and yatta yatta. hahaha interesting convos. i finally got home around 11ish and jericho stayed over for like 30 mins. haha then i stayed on da comp and went to bed watching blue streak. hahaha fun day yesterday!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getting Lazy But Starting New Things

Alright so i've been getting really lazy to keep on updating my blog. hahaha. but since im on already i will tell you wut my life has brought me these past two days. haha i sound so damn corny. alrite well yesterday was monday. the day of Mons. haha jkjk i juss made that up. well yesterday i got my haircut as everyone notice today. they kept on saying i hav a smaller head. hahah well wen i got my haircut which is in west covina which is a hastle juss to get there, i ate my lunch there. haha its not healthy or a choice meal but its something. i ate two bags of hot lays, a bag of hot funions (not as good as i thought) haha, and a spicy bowl of ramen. yes i love spicy =). my favorite food eva =). well wen it was my turn getting a haircut, it started hailing like crazy in the middle of my haircut and everyone went straight outside so i basically walked outside with my hair lookin dumb as hell. hahaha. wuteva. it was cool. havnt seen hail in a long time. well after my haircut we forgot to take a turn for like 10 blocks so we had to take a uturn and wasted like 20 mins. hahaha its cool though. it started raining while the sun was out. it was cool. havnt seen that in a long time cool. well on the way home i got bored so i took some pics. hahaha

well wen i got home i played xbox with the usual ppl. it was fun. made a map. at around 6ish i went to my cousins b-day dinner at BJ's =).

it was so good. ate my ass off. i got like a slice of pizza, clam chowder, half a plate of pasta, a rib, and a pazooki =). im so fat... hahaah well ya there were some fun times there. some embarrasing times, and some smelly times. if i told u then u shud kno wut i mean. hahahah funny stuff. hahaha well wen i realized how much i ate i realized that im eating way to much and that i shud start workin out. so i used my treadmill and some other stuff downstairs so i got like a lil mini gym downstairs. hahaha. well i started yesterday. i dont kno if im improving but its betta than nothing.

well school strolled around, and it was the usual. school, slept in like 3 classes. hated my 6th period. missed my old schedule. ya. well after school was wen it got fun again. finished my hw during pcn. hehe. took some random pics of ppl. funny stuff. hehe well after a while, pcn ended and we went down to amerige. me, isiah, richard, louie, yen, and celine. haha it was fun. talkin bout some stuff. getting some ideas. thinking of wut we thot we might want. haha. we ate a large plate of breadsticks. haha so goooooodd. well. ya. that was it for today. i worked out again. well if u call that a work out. hahaha. then it came to now. and ya. school days are so boring on blogs. hahaha. well goodnight ppls.

Monday, February 9, 2009


so today was a fun day. haha wen i woke up to go back home which was around 6ish i got some monay! =) haha then after i came home i juss went straight to sleep again... hahaha it was a long night, the night before so i had to catch up on some sleep. wen i woke up i got ready to go to church which was around 12 whiich was hella late. hahahah so i dint go to church, even though i was dressed for it. ahahaha. well we dint really go to church cause it was alrdy too late and we were supposed to go to a party that we were alrdy late for. haha we are soo late all the time.. hahaha ya i havnt really been out as a family in a long time so it felt good to do that again. well wen we got to my parents co-workers party, i ate my ass of once again hahaha. i gotta stop eating so much. i think ima stop eating out too much. haha while all that was happening the laker game was on. really good game. lakers owned the cavs =). well not technically owned but same thing as winning. hahaha. well we left early after arriving late to the party so we can get to watch the last few mins of the game. we dint get to go home to watch it but we got to watch it at my moms facility. hahah funniest thing happened to my bro. lets juss say that his head is filled with different things, hahaha. well wuteva. u dont need to kno. hahahah after watching the lakers win we went back home and i was basically bored outta my mind on the computer. so i looked for a live card and i found one :). hahaha well after i got on live everyone got off so it was basically useless. but i found out they were going to zankou so i juss tagged along with them. haha it was fun. but i think thats the last time ima eat out as much. i need to cut out on that stuff. hahaha. well before we went to zankou we picked up richard and i tried to scare him but i failed miserably. hahaha. well then we picked up mark and went to finally head on our ways to zankou. we had some interesting convos while eating. and yen ate atleast two and a half chickens! hahaha that monster! ya and richard kept on saying "I'd do Jo..." hahahahah. funny ass random shit. lol wen zankou was done we went on our way to isiahs house to chill. we had a lot of talks about chuck norris for some reason. did u guys kno that wen chuck norris does push ups, he doesnt really do push ups?? he actually pushes the earth down. hahaha. ya thats wut i learned from their deep convos about chuck. hahaha. well wen we stopped talkin about chuck we moved on to watch a guy with a cup. lol. guys with weird penis' do weird stuff with their cups at home. hahaha. lets juss say it gets a lil bloody. -_- nasty. Alright i finally got atleast two but i think thats all i can get to so ya.

1 guy 1 cup reaction. lmao

Isiah finally figured out how to zoom while recording hahaha

but ya after isiah's house we head toward hawkes pointe and we dropped by liezels house to say hi to liezel lejay and melanie. haha it was fun. we were watchin our vids up there for a few mins and said hi and juss talked. then we said our goodbyes. hahaha then we went to celines house for cough cough. well wen we got there we said hi. talked to celine for a while. it was fun. our signals were useless. hahaha jkjk. well wen we left we said bye and brandon dropped me off home. i played 360 for a while and now im writing this blog as u are reading it. hahaha.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

i forgot to blog yesterday!

well i forgot to blog yesterday so i guess imma talk about both days but it mite be a lil vague cuz its really late and i prolly forgot about some stuff cuz ya. well yesterday was friday as u mite know and it was the start of the three day weekend. well school was juss like everyother school day. boring as hell. hahahaha but wuteva as long as it was a friday all i was lookin forward too was the weekend baby! woo! =) well wen school ended we chilled at school for a bit but lounard kept on frckin scoopin everyones balls haha. well after me lounard and bernard went to target and after a while it got a lil shaky cuz someone was wudnt stop shakin cuz some other ppl came cuz they heard a lil something. well u cant really kno wut im talkin bout unless u were there. hahaha so i guess thats an inside joke unless its not a joke at all. hahaha wutevas! well after we juss decided to pick up carla after. we took a long ass detour cause of someone. well i wudnt really call it a it was more like another route that took twice as long. yup. well after we finally picked up carla and went to albert tacos. it was de lis E OSO! =) im a fat ass i kno. despues, we went to my house to get a charger and bernard told me to change clothes cuz i accidentally spilled on myself cuz the stupid burrito, but it was all worth it, best burrito eva! =) well after we went to liezels house and chilled there for a while. watched some family guy.hahaha funny stuff. after liezels house we went on our way! we had to go to school though cuz we accidentally left the sticks in the gym while there was a jv and varsity game in there. haha ya. the car ride was fun though. we kept on smashin each other into the sides of the cars. playin jello =). haha and liezel started the ticklin no matter wut she says. i swear! well wen we got to school it was frckin pouring rain! we went to the gym soakin wet and got my new jeans soaked! i blame bernard. haha jkjk. well we got to the gym and thankfully meleah put it in the dance room so it was all safe. but we still had to transfer it to paris' rooms so we did. after we went to rays house and chilled there. had a long ass meeting like no other. haha but wuteva it was fun after. billiards baby! :] hahaha. well ya after rays house the day was pretty much over and i went home pretty late but ya.

the next day was saturday! woohoo. well the start was pretty boring. juss slept till 11 watch some friends downstairs till 2 and my cousins picked me up to go to the mall. i found a jacket that i wanted to buy but i ended up not buying it cause i was savin up for some jeans. well i went to go look for jeans for like and hour or so but i cudnt find any good ones in macys. i went to sears. had none.... went to j.c. penny and had some but the ones i chose looked liek lounards, and wen i was about to buy em, i saw that they were 54 dollars which was pretty much a rip off so ya. i went to the mall for nothing, but its all good. i had fun so ya. well after i went to chomps at around 8ish with cousins and friends for lawrences b-day! wooh. haha well we had to wait for like 20 mins to get to our table but wuteva. we finally got in and wen we ordered i picked a burger wen i shuda gotten sushi. haha i frckin ordered a burger with rice. haha im a dumb ass. everyone kept laughin at me. haha its all good though i had fun. well i finished the burger and rice and we were juss messin around for a while. after chomps we went to sams house to do ya. well i had fun. i hung out with old friends. missed em like crazy and havnt seen em for a while. i hope we hang out more often. well forsure we will :]. well ya. thats it now. that all lead up to now. writing this blog makin really loud keyboard sounds not letting bianca sleep haha since im sleepin over there house cuz sams parents went to pechanga. double or nothing baby =) i get some MONNAAY tommorow hopefully =). well ya. thats it for today. so about forgetting the blog yesteryda. wait why am i saying sorry, haha wuteva. goodnight, i shud prolly get sleep now. its 3 o'clock. well goodnight, maybe next time.
(this is a hella long blog. haha)
(oh ya, sorry i was plannin to post pics up, well i'll prolly edit this post tommorow and post them up tommorow)