Friday, June 19, 2009


I FORGOT TO BLOG LAST MONTH! hahaha well here goes i guess. this will cover up wut i didnt blog last month. well this month had its ups and downs. i guess all i gotta say about last month is that i forgot what i did last month XD hahaha so ya. guess your not gonna hear anything about last month. but how bout this month? hmmmm haha lots of fun so far. birthday is next week for whoever is reading this (probably isiah cuz thats all i read from him) hahahaha jkjk. but yah for those of you who don't know. my internet is down so thats probably why i didnt blog last month but yah. well if you must know, the highlight of this month is that i TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY FUCKED UP MY GRADES from the finals... hahaha failed practically all of them.... im such a failure hahaha but oh well to late for that. well after school finally ended all there has to be is grad parties! haha WOOH those were fun. EXCITED for more maybe?? hahaha but yah. love life right now, cept for the fact that i had no girlfriend yet, i fucked up my grades, and i might be moving. hahahaha but whatever, i'll try fixing that first problem soon. maybe?? i dunno. hahaha but yah. i guess i'll juust end it here cuz im totally blanking out on what i did the past two months. later bloggers (or just isiah?)(and i guess jeff f too haha) LOL just kidding!

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