Monday, February 9, 2009


so today was a fun day. haha wen i woke up to go back home which was around 6ish i got some monay! =) haha then after i came home i juss went straight to sleep again... hahaha it was a long night, the night before so i had to catch up on some sleep. wen i woke up i got ready to go to church which was around 12 whiich was hella late. hahahah so i dint go to church, even though i was dressed for it. ahahaha. well we dint really go to church cause it was alrdy too late and we were supposed to go to a party that we were alrdy late for. haha we are soo late all the time.. hahaha ya i havnt really been out as a family in a long time so it felt good to do that again. well wen we got to my parents co-workers party, i ate my ass of once again hahaha. i gotta stop eating so much. i think ima stop eating out too much. haha while all that was happening the laker game was on. really good game. lakers owned the cavs =). well not technically owned but same thing as winning. hahaha. well we left early after arriving late to the party so we can get to watch the last few mins of the game. we dint get to go home to watch it but we got to watch it at my moms facility. hahah funniest thing happened to my bro. lets juss say that his head is filled with different things, hahaha. well wuteva. u dont need to kno. hahahah after watching the lakers win we went back home and i was basically bored outta my mind on the computer. so i looked for a live card and i found one :). hahaha well after i got on live everyone got off so it was basically useless. but i found out they were going to zankou so i juss tagged along with them. haha it was fun. but i think thats the last time ima eat out as much. i need to cut out on that stuff. hahaha. well before we went to zankou we picked up richard and i tried to scare him but i failed miserably. hahaha. well then we picked up mark and went to finally head on our ways to zankou. we had some interesting convos while eating. and yen ate atleast two and a half chickens! hahaha that monster! ya and richard kept on saying "I'd do Jo..." hahahahah. funny ass random shit. lol wen zankou was done we went on our way to isiahs house to chill. we had a lot of talks about chuck norris for some reason. did u guys kno that wen chuck norris does push ups, he doesnt really do push ups?? he actually pushes the earth down. hahaha. ya thats wut i learned from their deep convos about chuck. hahaha. well wen we stopped talkin about chuck we moved on to watch a guy with a cup. lol. guys with weird penis' do weird stuff with their cups at home. hahaha. lets juss say it gets a lil bloody. -_- nasty. Alright i finally got atleast two but i think thats all i can get to so ya.

1 guy 1 cup reaction. lmao

Isiah finally figured out how to zoom while recording hahaha

but ya after isiah's house we head toward hawkes pointe and we dropped by liezels house to say hi to liezel lejay and melanie. haha it was fun. we were watchin our vids up there for a few mins and said hi and juss talked. then we said our goodbyes. hahaha then we went to celines house for cough cough. well wen we got there we said hi. talked to celine for a while. it was fun. our signals were useless. hahaha jkjk. well wen we left we said bye and brandon dropped me off home. i played 360 for a while and now im writing this blog as u are reading it. hahaha.


  1. Wow Jeff we were up until 3 I think it should of made it.

  2. LMAO omg i can never get tired of your reactions.. LOL it cracks me up. oh boyyy (:
