Sunday, February 8, 2009

i forgot to blog yesterday!

well i forgot to blog yesterday so i guess imma talk about both days but it mite be a lil vague cuz its really late and i prolly forgot about some stuff cuz ya. well yesterday was friday as u mite know and it was the start of the three day weekend. well school was juss like everyother school day. boring as hell. hahahaha but wuteva as long as it was a friday all i was lookin forward too was the weekend baby! woo! =) well wen school ended we chilled at school for a bit but lounard kept on frckin scoopin everyones balls haha. well after me lounard and bernard went to target and after a while it got a lil shaky cuz someone was wudnt stop shakin cuz some other ppl came cuz they heard a lil something. well u cant really kno wut im talkin bout unless u were there. hahaha so i guess thats an inside joke unless its not a joke at all. hahaha wutevas! well after we juss decided to pick up carla after. we took a long ass detour cause of someone. well i wudnt really call it a it was more like another route that took twice as long. yup. well after we finally picked up carla and went to albert tacos. it was de lis E OSO! =) im a fat ass i kno. despues, we went to my house to get a charger and bernard told me to change clothes cuz i accidentally spilled on myself cuz the stupid burrito, but it was all worth it, best burrito eva! =) well after we went to liezels house and chilled there for a while. watched some family guy.hahaha funny stuff. after liezels house we went on our way! we had to go to school though cuz we accidentally left the sticks in the gym while there was a jv and varsity game in there. haha ya. the car ride was fun though. we kept on smashin each other into the sides of the cars. playin jello =). haha and liezel started the ticklin no matter wut she says. i swear! well wen we got to school it was frckin pouring rain! we went to the gym soakin wet and got my new jeans soaked! i blame bernard. haha jkjk. well we got to the gym and thankfully meleah put it in the dance room so it was all safe. but we still had to transfer it to paris' rooms so we did. after we went to rays house and chilled there. had a long ass meeting like no other. haha but wuteva it was fun after. billiards baby! :] hahaha. well ya after rays house the day was pretty much over and i went home pretty late but ya.

the next day was saturday! woohoo. well the start was pretty boring. juss slept till 11 watch some friends downstairs till 2 and my cousins picked me up to go to the mall. i found a jacket that i wanted to buy but i ended up not buying it cause i was savin up for some jeans. well i went to go look for jeans for like and hour or so but i cudnt find any good ones in macys. i went to sears. had none.... went to j.c. penny and had some but the ones i chose looked liek lounards, and wen i was about to buy em, i saw that they were 54 dollars which was pretty much a rip off so ya. i went to the mall for nothing, but its all good. i had fun so ya. well after i went to chomps at around 8ish with cousins and friends for lawrences b-day! wooh. haha well we had to wait for like 20 mins to get to our table but wuteva. we finally got in and wen we ordered i picked a burger wen i shuda gotten sushi. haha i frckin ordered a burger with rice. haha im a dumb ass. everyone kept laughin at me. haha its all good though i had fun. well i finished the burger and rice and we were juss messin around for a while. after chomps we went to sams house to do ya. well i had fun. i hung out with old friends. missed em like crazy and havnt seen em for a while. i hope we hang out more often. well forsure we will :]. well ya. thats it now. that all lead up to now. writing this blog makin really loud keyboard sounds not letting bianca sleep haha since im sleepin over there house cuz sams parents went to pechanga. double or nothing baby =) i get some MONNAAY tommorow hopefully =). well ya. thats it for today. so about forgetting the blog yesteryda. wait why am i saying sorry, haha wuteva. goodnight, i shud prolly get sleep now. its 3 o'clock. well goodnight, maybe next time.
(this is a hella long blog. haha)
(oh ya, sorry i was plannin to post pics up, well i'll prolly edit this post tommorow and post them up tommorow)


  1. YOU ASS!!
    that's BS i did NOT start the tickling!! you were the one that smash me and then tickle my thigh and i had to like..... scream for you to stop.

  2. Jeff You need US when you buy pants. HAHAHA
