Thursday, February 5, 2009


so today was fun. i kinda wish i had pics to post up cuz this blog will be boring without pics but wuteva. well i woke up at 5:20 and got rdy. i had to wait around 30 mins though for lounard to pick me up so wakin up at 5:20 was kinda useless but its cool. haha. he picked me u around 6:20ish and then we had to wait for liezel for like another 10 mins at her house cause i guess she dint think we were outside. hahaha. well we got to school around 7 and chilled there for a while. it was a fun assembly. we did pretty good but i messed up bad hehe :). im guessing no one saw it so wuteva. well after the 2nd assembly break was pretty much over wen i got to the quad with jericho. after my gay 3rd and 4th periods i basically juss ate my ass off with international food day. =) it was pretty gay though at the end. it juss started raining outta no where. well after school ended i hung out after school for a bit. we had this random first time afterschool meeting. hahahaha. but ya after i juss went to my cousins house and my mom picked me up. and then i went to java co with my cousin and ya. stayed there till like 11. and now im hella tired.i wanna go to sleep soon. i shuda juss went to sleep earlier but i got hung up writing this blog that no one will ever read. haha
well wuteva its all good. well if u are reading this blog then that juss means u must be bored ;) jkjk. haha well goodbye

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